Type of installation

Renovation and increase in capacity of old isolated photovoltaic installation.


Alta Ribagorza

Start Up

December 2024

Isolated power supply


If we look back at our history as a company, ELECTRICIDAD SOMA has worked uninterruptedly since 1962, adapting to all changes and striving to work with the latest and most efficient technologies on the market at all times. This has been a major challenge for us, since in our sector: isolated electrification , solar photovoltaic self-consumption, generator sets and, as a latest addition, aerothermal energy . It is not surprising then that in these more than 60 years of existence, we have often had to face changes, repairs or replacements of equipment, which have involved a leap or a major change between what they had and what has then been put in place as a replacement for it.
In the case we present to you today, there is a radical change in technology, as we go from EPzS acid/lead traction batteries (widely used in the past) to Lithium batteries, adapting the entire system to this new change, which is not minor, since the operating, charging and supply systems of Lithium are very different from those of acid/lead in any of its versions: Flooded, AGM, GEL, etc., having to use on many occasions, MPPT regulators adapted for Lithium and GX connection systems, which are required for data transmission and correct operation of the system.
Generally, all isolated electrification systems, which have acid/lead batteries, can be adapted to the new storage systems with Lithium batteries, and usually no excessive or relevant changes are needed in terms of equipment that must be added or modified to adapt the existing set to operate with the new storage technology, therefore, when an installation requires a change of batteries, we no longer propose changing them for identical ones, but rather we propose in the first instance the jump to Lithium; It is true that in principle lithium is more expensive than acid/lead batteries, but if we look at the useful life of both, lithium batteries last 236% longer than acid/lead batteries, so, seen in perspective, lithium is much cheaper than acid/lead, since its useful life is almost two and a half times longer, and without any type of maintenance, or equalization, nothing at all until its next replacement, which may be with another cumulative technology… this is what happens in a sector as dynamic as this energy sector, but this is also what makes it a continuous and exciting challenge for those of us who want to be at the forefront of energy efficiency, and to be able to offer the best service to the customer at all times; for this we also have our scheduled maintenance department, so that no one has to worry about the correct operation of their installation over time.


Installation elements:

    • 12 550Wp solar panels
    • 12 Structures for 35º floor
    • 1 250/100A MPPT regulator/maximizer
    • 1 Cervo GX with touch screen.
    • 1 15.4 kW Lithium Battery.
    • 1 5000VA 48V 70A Inverter/Charger


At SOMA-GENPOWER Electricity we are specialized in isolated electrification in Lleida, Huesca and the rest of Spain .


Do you need an isolated electrification project for your home, farm or industry? Check out our installations section  or contact us and we will inform you without obligation.


We also invite you to visit our online store of electrical components .