Isolated electrification without connection to the electrical network

The term “Isolated” or “on Island” is self-explanatory.

Isolated electrification is a system that: generates, stores and manages electrical energy within a given area; therefore, outside the electrical networks. In other words, it is a very localized system, where the energy will be generated in the same place that it will be consumed, so there will be no long or medium-range transportation, thus reducing losses for that reason. And at the same time it is a highly delocalized system, since we can produce, store and manage this resource anywhere, however remote or impossible it may seem, since thePhotovoltaic solar energy  is the most abundant source of energy on the entire planet. It is estimated that we receive a daily solar energy bath daily, 4,500 times greater than the daily energy consumed worldwide.

Isolated electrification is being imposed more and more in areas where getting electricity from the network is complicated, expensive, or simply unfeasible; and there are many of those instances, where that is the case, so isolated electrification becomes “the” best or even only option. And today, a well-dimensioned option is offering standards of: comfort, efficiency, reliability and savings, which exceed the supply of the conventional electrical network. For this reason, some users of the electrical network have made the leap too isolated, and many others consider it.

With the arrival on the scene of < strong>Lithium batteries, isolated electrification has acquired a new dimension, since this technology allows us a more efficient accumulation, free of maintenance, and of a long duration of operation, since we went from 2,800 charge cycles of acid/lead, to 6,600 c/c of Lithium, with which, in the end, it becomes the most economical option in the long, medium term.

Electrificación aislada

SOMA-GENPOWER Electricity, we were born from isolated electrification in the earliest 60s. First through generator sets, to which over the years we added batteries, inverters, photovoltaic solar panels, wind turbines, remote and management control systems, etc. .; always following the course of the new and most advanced technologies, in order to give the best service to our customers. And we continue to bet on it, since isolated electrification is and will continue to be at the evolving system, very necessary for the development of any activity, wherever it is.

If you are interested in an installation of this type, do not hesitate to ask us for information and we will inform you without obligation.

Below you can see some of our installations with insulated electrification.

Alcoletge: Pig fattening farm, in which the group works two hours a day mainly for 400V three-phase supply for power, and the rest of 230V single-phase consumption 24 hours a day, are supplied from batteries. (Installed photovoltaic power: 2,250 Wh).

Argestuges: A Pyrenean village, rebuilt and converted into rural tourism accommodation, with high energy consumption, almost all of which comes from its 22,000 Wh photovoltaic system. With the support of a generator set.

Blancafort: Single-family house with farm, whose main energy production resource is based on wind energy with its 3,500 Wh wind turbine, 750A/24V battery and 5,000VA inverter. Any isolated system requires a generator set for adverse weather situations or emergencies.

Alcoletge electrificación aislada
Argestuges electrificación aislada
Blancafort electrificación aislada

Ceramic Exhibition (Badajoz): Shopping center dedicated to the commercialization of ceramic and construction material, whose electricity supply depends solely and exclusively on a set of uninterrupted energy without the support of renewables, that is: a generator set, batteries and inverters.

Moriles (Córdoba): Finca agrícola con vivienda abastecida por un sistema fotovoltaico de 20.000 Wh, y todo el conjunto de generador eléctrico, baterías, inversores, etc.

Riner (Solsona): Casa aislada para usos residenciales abastecida en su práctica totalidad con energía eólica proveniente de su aerogenerador de 3.500 Wh, un conjunto de baterías industriales y un inversor/cargador de 5000VA.

Expo Badajoz electrificación aislada
Instalación de un sistema fotovoltaico de 20.000 Wh, y todo el conjunto de generador eléctrico, baterías, inversores, etc. en una finca agricola con vivienda situada en Moriles (Córdoba).
Solsona electrificación aislada

St. Mª. de Meia: Pig farm (mothers) with an installed photovoltaic power of 11,100 Wh that covers 90% of its current energy needs, the rest is covered with generator sets.

St. Olalla (Toledo): Pig farm, with a small mixed energy production: wind and photovoltaic, which cover the usual single-phase consumption needs.

Tor: Rural tourism house in a remote village in the Lleida Pyrenees, which is only operational during the summer months. For this reason, its entire energy supply is based on a mobile electric generator.

Electrificación aislada Sta. Olalla
Electrificación aislada en Tor

Vimbodí: Detached single-family house with most of its consumption of electrical origin, with a photovoltaic production of 3,330 Wh, a 750A/48V battery and a powerful 8,000VA inverter/charger. that covers all the energy needs of the home.

Zaidín: Sow pig farm, with high electricity consumption, largely covered by two diesel generators, supported by a mixed wind-photovoltaic production, which can supply 400V three-phase. from batteries through its 3 5000VA inverters. per phase.

Zaidin, electrificación aislada